Searches of the day

Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Perform Bodybuilding Poses

If you're interested in competing as a bodybuilder, an impressive physique isn't enough. You also have to know how to display it effectively as you strike bodybuilding poses. Though perfecting your poses takes hours of practice, keeping a few basic posing ideas in mind can help your performance.

Difficulty: Moderate


1)Develop confidence in the seven basic poses, which you usually must perform in the same order and are compulsory in most competitions. These are the front double biceps, front lat spread, side chest, back double biceps, back lat spread, side triceps and front abdominal-thigh isolation.

2)Determine your better side for the side chest and side triceps poses, and turn this side towards the judges as you pose.

3)Find variations in the set poses to show off your best features and disguise weaker features. Experiment with using different arm and leg positions, or flexing different muscle groups.

4)Flex invisibly during the relaxed poses round. Though this round highlights your physique at rest, you should keep your muscles engaged. However, if judges detect your flexing, they may ask you to stop or give you low marks for the round.

5)Choose poses to highlight your strengths in the freestyle round, and put your own spin on them to show off your physique. Coordinate these poses to music for an exciting presentation.

6)Realize that judges evaluate your entire physique on each bodybuilding pose. Judges look at your body as a whole as you strike each pose rather than focusing on one area, and they also watch the spaces between poses carefully. Be aware of your entire body the whole time you're on stage.

7)Keep your face relaxed throughout each round. Allowing your face to fall into a natural smile can help convey a sense of overall relaxation and comfort. If your smile looks forced, adopt a neutral expression instead.

Tips & Warnings

Have a friend tape you as you practice your bodybuilding poses. Seeing the movement from one pose to the next, or between variations of the same pose, can help you to find your best angles.

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